Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Get in the Crowd

Once there was a moment for one girl to be curious about herself.
The moment happened for one time in one moment of her life.
After and before the moment ended, she needs to find herself ways to figure out herself.

Figuring out herself needs more than one moment.
Figuring out herself needs more than one way.
Figuring out herself needs more than one time to try.
The long way of curiosity.
The long way moment.
The long way in trying.

Once there was a moment for one boy to be curious about himself.
The moment happen for the whole his life.
With or without come to his way from figuring out.
Even so, he needs more than one moment, one way and one try to fulfill the curiosity.
As the same as the girl.


Today come after yesterday,
the day that you were here,
as today.

Yesterday finished before today,
when you are here,
as yesterday.

In silence we were..
In silence we are..

Love can never be so silence.
Love is too silence to be listened and too be loud to be spoken.
As we were..
As we are..
...in the silence and in the loud of our love.

Friday, September 18, 2009

"mine is yours"

Everybody might know how to say something, everything that he/she wants to say.
The sounds of the words could be different from each people.
The meaning of the words and sentences have a big possibility of differences, which the tone, the aim and the character from the person who talks gonna be the important things to consider.

So, when you hear someone talk to you of some words in some sentences, you will give one or some reactions, which is/are an/some output/s from the meaning of the words, the tone, the aim and the character of the person you get.

Making people get to know our character, that what we do everyday.
Most of us always stick to one character, or, most of us believe that he/she sticks to one character.
Do most of us stick to the one and only one character..?

Being oneself is what we do everyday...with only one or more character.
I've found, that some people like to be predictable and the others like to be not (in purpose and not in purpose).
And, for those who like to be unpredictable in purpose, should take "making the other people regret and feeling regret because of others" as an ordinary situation, with or without their acceptance to the situations.

We never know exactly who is the one we have conversation with, so understanding for everybody is the weapon to avoid the uncomfortable situation.
That's what we have to do, if we want feel comfortable in any ways.
And when there's someone seems having a big effort to discourage your understanding sense, giving a nice "walk away" action as your big understanding could be a choice then.

Understanding always becomes a top theme in friendship.
Does it..?
What will happen when the existing of the character sees the understanding as a barrier or just as a tool..?

When you love someone, understanding has became a theme in relationship too.
And there are some examples for giving the understanding on the above or under the existing of the character.

Do you mind if i say, one thing that we can share as "ours" or "mine is yours" or "yours is mine" is "The Understanding"..?
Actually, there are so many understanding has been given to us everyday..

The sunrise, the sunset, the moon, the stars, the rain, the snow, the falling leaves, the birth, the death, the smile, the tears, the knowledge, the hand, the leg, the foot, the brain, the lips, the chick, the chin, the eyes, the stomach, the heart, the
soul, the breast, the chest, the toe, the cry, the clothes, the pain, the shoes, the bible, the quran, the neighbor, the friend, the lover, the mother, the father, the child, the pet, the computer, the typewriter, the book, the mobile phone, the car, the train, the plane, the love, the hate, the sick, the health, you, me, us, they, mine, yours, ours, theirs, are some of it.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

- how -

Everyday there's..
.. a must for something to be happened.
.. a time to be passed.
.. a routine goes on and on.
.. a new foot step made.
.. a hand reaching out.
.. a thing to be thought.
.. a moment..when i find, you.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

...i have...

When we think that we are not alone...have we ever made a clear definition for "Not Alone"..?
If we look to some dictionaries, we won't find "Not Alone", we can only find "Alone".
So, we need to add "Not" to make a contrary meaning from the definition and finally we have "Not Alone".
The necessary to find out what's "Not Alone" might be not everyone need.
Actually, behind the exploration of it ("Not Alone"), there's a personal question, that "Are we really not alone when we think so..?"..(at least for the writer).

"Alone" in some dictionaries, it's gonna say:
- 1: separated from other 2: not including anyone or anything else
(The Merriam-Webster Dictionary - The Words You Need Today, Merriam-Webster, 1997, USA, page 38)
- without the company or help of others or other things
(Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English - Revised and Updated, A S Hornby, Oxford University Press, 1981, page 24)

Let's make a little exploration of them word by word, referring to "Not Alone"

First step, there are 2 words in "Not Alone", they are: Not + Alone.
So, for every definition, that has been found out, will be added "Not" to fit with "Not Alone"

Second, adding "Not" in front of each "Alone" definition.
They will be like these:

NOT + separated from other;
NOT + not including anyone or anything else;
NOT + without the company or help of others or other things.

Third, processing the blended of "Not" and "Alone" definitions.
From: NOT + separated from other = Not separated from other.

From: NOT + not including anyone or anything else
----= Not+not = Yes (Positive)
----= (Positive) Including someone or something.

From: NOT + without the company or help of others or other things
----= Not+without
----= Not+ (Not+with)
----= Not+Not+with
----= Yes (Positive)+with
----= (Positive) with the company or help of others or other things.

Fourth, making a temporary conclusions for the definition of "Not Alone".
"Not Alone":
- Not separated from other;
- Including someone or something;
- with the company or help of others or other things.

So, when we are not separated from other,including someone or something, or with the company or help of others or other things, means we are not alone.

Are we satisfied with those definitions?
Could them cover enough "Not Alone" from any perspectives?

Are they suitable for this condition, examples:
- One country which built in one island, has 100 people as a member, who have suspicious feeling for each other.
- Two girl walk side by side are going to one park, one of them talk on her mobile phone.
- A husband who likes to entertain his wife, who likes to reject her husband.

Or we will need another word to describe those conditions?